
Rep. George Miller Statement on Workers Memorial Day

WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement marking Workers Memorial Day on April 28, a day to remember those who have been seriously injured or died while on the job.

“On Workers Memorial Day, our nation reflects on the high price of life and limb paid by too many workers while on the job. While we remember workers who have sacrificed so much, our work must not stop there. We must at the same time honor those sacrifices by ensuring that we do what we can to stop preventable injuries and deaths in the workplace.

“Unfortunately, there are very powerful forces in Washington attempting to turn back the clock on vital health and safety protections. They want to cut our worker safety agencies’ budgets, roll back basic protections, and tie the hands of health and safety officials from being able to respond to hazards, which already takes too long. What these forces fail to recognize is that the economy depends on good jobs that not only pay fairly but are also safe.

“American workers deserve the best. Putting health and safety first is not just good for workers and their families; it’s good for business and good for our nation’s economy.”

Rep. Miller is coauthor of the Protecting America’s Workers Act, the Worker Protection Against Combustible Dust Explosions Act, the Offshore Worker Whistleblower Protection Act, and the Robert C. Byrd Mine Safety Protection Act.