
Rep. George Miller Statement on NLRB Member Terence Flynn’s Resignation


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democratic member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement today after National Labor Relations Board Member Terence Flynn announced that he will resign on July 24th and recuse himself from Board actions until then. The NLRB’s Inspector General found that Flynn disclosed deliberative and nonpublic information on pending cases and other pending NLRB actions to outside parties, including to an advisor to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.

“The Inspector General’s recent reports pulled the curtain back on what was the most corrosive scandal in the agency's history. As I pointed out in my call for his resignation, Mr. Flynn’s continued presence as a member of the NLRB would raise serious concerns about the agency's ability to ensure the due process rights of any party before it. In light of the Inspector General’s troubling findings, Mr. Flynn’s resignation is both appropriate and necessary.”

After receiving the first of two Inspector General reports on Flynn’s activities, Miller wrote the U.S. Attorney General on March 23rd, urging the Department of Justice to consider evidence provided by the Inspector General of potential conversions of government information for private gain. After receiving a second report further detailing Flynn’s activities, Miller called for Flynn to resign on May 2nd. As ranking members of the committee and subcommittee of jurisdiction, Miller and U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews (D-N.J.) wrote Committee Chairman John Kline (R-Minn.) on May 11th requesting a hearing on the matter

Read the Inspector General’s report and other materials relating to the investigation here.