
Rep. George Miller Statement on Labor Day 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democratic member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement today commemorating Monday’s Labor Day holiday.

“On Labor Day, we honor all the men and women who built this country and keep our economy running. Working people are the backbone of our nation. That’s why we should ensure that the hard-won rights of American workers are respected and not stripped away by special interests in Washington or elsewhere. 

“When workers are able to fight for fair pay, retirement and health care security, and health and safety on the job, our country is stronger. But, when workers are treated as an expendable commodity and denied a seat at the bargaining table, our economy and our democracy suffer. The fight for workers' rights – whether it's public servants' right to bargain, a woman's right to equal pay, or a fast food workers' right to demand decent treatment – is as critical as ever to ensure a strong America.”