
Rep. George Miller Statement on Labor Day 2012


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democratic member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement today commemorating Monday’s Labor Day holiday.

“On Labor Day, we honor all the men and women who built this country and keep our economy running. Working people are the backbone of our nation. When the American worker does well, our middle class grows, our economy prospers, and our democracy stays strong.

“To honor workers this Labor Day, policymakers of all stripes should commit to the notion that American workers’ best days are still to come. Getting there is not rocket science. Workers do well when their rights are respected, rather than weakened. Workers do well when our laws encourage job creation at home, rather than send jobs overseas. Workers do well when we provide the education and training opportunities they need to compete. Workers do well when we stand up for fair wages, their retirement and health care security, and health and safety on the job. And they do well when we put the growth and strength of the middle class at the top of the agenda. 

“On this Labor Day, let’s remember that America’s middle class was not the product of trickle-down economics. It was not a gift from the rich and powerful. America’s middle class – the key to our prosperity – was born of the blood, sweat, and tears of workers, including the sacrifice of the millions of veterans who remain a vital part of our workforce, and their allies fighting and bargaining for it.”