
Rep. George Miller: Court Decision Huge Victory for the American People


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democratic member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee and one of the chief House authors of the Affordable Care Act, issued the following statement after today’s Supreme Court decision on the historic health reform law.

“The Supreme Court makes it clear – You’re covered. This decision is a huge victory for the American people, small businesses, women, children and seniors.

“Now, the threat that remains to your continued access to affordable health care and to the Medicare guarantee is from the Republican Congress and candidate Mitt Romney who have pledged to repeal the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court just ruled is constitutional. Remember what Speaker Boehner said yesterday: ‘If the court does not strike down the entire law, the House will move to repeal what’s left of it.’ 

“I will fight to protect your health care.”