
Ranking Member Scott Statement on April Jobs Report

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added 164,000 jobs in April, with the unemployment rate at 3.9 percent. 

“The latest jobs report shows that our economy remains relatively stable, but the work is far from over and there are those in Congress working to undermine these economic gains. On average during President Obama’s last full year in office, the economy added roughly 195,000 jobs a month, far more than the 164,000 jobs added last month.

“Just a year ago, the House Republicans voted to pass the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA), which would have caused almost 14 million Americans to lose health coverage this year. Since the Affordable Care Act passed,  Republicans have taken every opportunity to undermine the law – including the administration’s proposals to promote junk plans and repealing the individual mandate as part of their $1.5 trillion tax scam. Fewer people have health care coverage as a result of their efforts to undermine the law.

“Increased access to affordable health care coverage under the ACA has provided economy security to millions of Americans and set the foundation for continued economic growth. The repeated attempts by Congressional Republicans and the Trump administration to undermine the ACA will also undermine the health of the economy. Instead of cynically continuing to sabotage the law, Congressional Republicans should join Democrats to take constructive, bipartisan action to ensure that every American has access to affordable health care and the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families.”


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