
Ranking Member Scott on the SOTU and the Reality for America’s Students and Workers

“During President Trump’s first year in office, his administration and Congressional Republicans have subjected students and workers to a constant barrage of attacks.”

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after President Trump delivered this State of the Union Address before Congress.

“During President Trump’s first year in office, his administration and Congressional Republicans have subjected students and workers to a constant barrage of attacks. Under President Trump’s leadership, the administration has moved to allow employers to pocket workers’ tips, jeopardized workplace safety, and made it harder for workers to form a union or save for retirement. This administration has also prevented students saddled with debt from getting relief, removed protections that improve equity in education, and exposed victims of sexual assault and transgender students to potential discrimination and harassment. Congressional Republicans and the administration also spent the better part of a year sabotaging access to affordable health care. These actions include, denying women contraceptive coverage, pushing to undermine consumer protections for small businesses and their employees, increasing the cost of health insurance, and increasing the number of people who are uninsured.

“Despite these attacks, I am hopeful that Congress can come together to put forth responsible solutions that address the problems that are plaguing the American people. Rather than pass a tax bill that provided over 80 percent of its benefits to the top one percent, we should work together to pass the Raise the Wage Act of 2017 (H.R. 15). This bill would raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 and give millions hard-working Americans a much needed raise. Additionally, as the administration works to improve the country’s infrastructure, they should consider the Rebuild America’s Schools Act of 2017 (H.R. 2475), which would help achieve greater educational equity, create jobs, and breathe new life into communities.

“These proposals would actually address the real problems of America’s students and workers who are currently under attack.”

To read the “The Top Twelve Attacks on Workers and Students during President Trump’s First Year in Office”, click here


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