
Ranking Member Scott Blasts Extreme MAGA Funding Bill

“The House Republicans’ partisan bill is an attack on students, workers, and families.”

WASHINGTONToday, Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby Scott” delivered the following remarks during today’s House floor debate on House Republicans’ extreme appropriations bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies.

floor remarks thumbnail

View Ranking Member Scott’s floor remarks on YouTube.

I rise in opposition to the amendment and the underlying bill.

“The House Republicans’ partisan bill is an attack on students, workers, and families. For 2024, the bill would cut close to $64 billion—roughly 28 percent—from the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies. The last time it was this low was in 2008.

“Inequity in America’s education system persists. Significant funding disparities among neighboring schools continue to deprive students of equal access to quality education. And this bill cuts Title I significantly.

“Moreover, the bill cuts other programs, like completely eliminating the Federal Work Study that allows students to work their way through college, the Teacher Quality Partnership, Job Corps—completely eliminated.

“There are essential programs that workers in our districts rely on. And, House Republicans, if this becomes law, those programs would be eliminated.

“And this amendment would cut federal student aid, making it more likely that they would have to take out student loans. The underlying bill is bad enough. It’s the first time in over a decade that the Pell Grant wouldn’t increase.

“And, also, our nation is facing disturbing child labor law violations, and House Republicans are slashing the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) budget.

“And, despite actively negotiating a bipartisan reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), we’re proposing cuts in Adult and Youth Job Training programs.

“Finally, the bill is an insult to families. It cuts Head Start programs so drastically that, if this bill were to become law, 50,000 children would lose access to child care.

“Mr. Speaker, I would ask that we oppose the amendment and the underlying bill, and I yield back.”


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