
One year later, health reform law is working

CONCORD, CA – Health reform signed into law by President Obama one year ago is making a real difference in the lives of Bay Area residents, small business employees, and millions of Americans across the country, said Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez), at a rally in Concord Tuesday.  And repealing the law, warned Miller, would be a disaster for families, the elderly and local businesses.

Miller spoke to a rally at the Concord Seniors Center Tuesday to celebrate the first anniversary of health reform. 

“We see right here with us today the very real and very positive impact that health reforms have had on people in our community,” said Miller, who co-authored the law.  “Regardless of your political views, there is no denying the fact that the law is benefiting people right now and will continue to benefit millions more over the next few years. 

“There’s no denying it, when young adults stand up and say – ‘if it wasn’t for health reform, I wouldn’t have insurance.’ You can’t deny that the law is benefiting people when tens of thousands of small business employees have been offered health insurance thanks to the small business tax credits in the bill. You can’t deny that this law is a sigh of relief for parents who don’t have to worry about lifetime caps on care for their kids.  And you can’t deny the law is helping seniors who have received help with the high cost of prescription drugs and are getting free preventive screening under Medicare thanks to this law.”

Miller was joined by local organizations supporting the health reform law. The rally was one of many being held across the country by members of Congress and supporters of health care reform.  But Miller warned that the benefits and protections of the new law are at risk of being taken away.

“Republicans in the House of Representatives have made it their mission to repeal this law.  They already voted once to repeal health care for millions of Americans while accepting taxpayer health insurance for themselves.  And even though they haven’t succeeded at repealing the law all at once, they are moving ahead with efforts to kill the law by cutting off funding for different parts of the law.  Republicans might be determined to see Obama fail, as they have said, but are they determined to see college student fail, to see seniors fail, or to see small businesses fail?  Because that’s who they will be hurting if they repeal the health care reform law.”

Miller pointed out that even though the law is only one year old, it is already benefiting people in his congressional district and throughout the Bay Area.  “Doing away with this law would be disastrous for our community and tens of millions of Americans.  I’m determined to see this law through.”

Under the health reform law signed into law by President Obama on March 23rd, 2010:

•    Four million small businesses are eligible to receive federal tax credits to provide insurance to their employees.  So far, tens of thousands of employees at small businesses have had coverage extended to them as a result.
•    Young adults can stay on their parents’ health  plan until their 26th birthday.
•    Health insurance companies can no longer place a lifetime limit on coverage.
•    Health insurance companies cannot drop coverage simply because of illness.
•    Seniors on Medicare are eligible for a 50% discount on brand-name drugs if they enter the Medicare Part D ‘donut hole’ coverage gap – a discount that grows until the ‘donut hole’ is closed in 2020.
•    Insurance companies must now spend at least 80 percent of premiums on covering medical services – rather than administrative expenses, CEO pay, and profits.  
•    Insurance companies must now publish detailed justifications for any premium increases they are seeking that are more than 10 percent on the Internet.