
Obama Speech Moves Congress Closer to “Finish Line” on Health Reform, says Chairman Miller

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Barack Obama’s address to Congress tonight moved Congress closer to approving comprehensive health insurance reform, said U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee and one of the chief architects of the House reform legislation.

“Tonight President Obama made a clear and convincing case to Congress: We must pass health insurance reform. Repeating history by doing nothing is not an option. American families and our nation’s businesses cannot afford to wait any longer. This is what Americans across the country, of all backgrounds and political stripes, told lawmakers in town hall meetings, coffee shops, and local grocery stores over the past month. Their need for higher quality, more secure, and more affordable health insurance hasn’t changed. And neither has our obligation – as their elected officials – to deliver it for them.
“President Obama’s excellent address moves us closer to the finish line. He laid out specific benchmarks for reform and proved he wants to put good, sound policies above politics. He extended an open hand to all lawmakers, from both sides of the aisle, who are interested in working together to find common ground. He indisputably refuted the many cynical lies and distractions that opponents of health reform have been spreading for months. He reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring that these reforms do not add a penny to our deficit. He reminded us that effective health reform is essential to restoring our long-term fiscal health and securing a stronger future for our children. In short, he did everything he needed to do.

“But, the success of health care reform will ultimately depend upon leaders who choose to work on behalf of the American people towards that finish line and engage in a serious debate. Calculated, false, and outrageous attacks for political gain must end. And those who continue to stand in the way of reform have a choice to make. They can either join in this historic effort – or they can continue to stand against it, with no real plan of their own. But we will not allow them to be a roadblock to the change that American workers, families, and businesses urgently need.

“Despite months of distractions and outright lies from opponents of health reform, Congress is closer than ever to enacting reforms that will transform our health care system from one that works for insurance companies into one that works for the American people.

“The House bill meets the principles President Obama laid out tonight. The America’s Affordable Health Choices Act lowers health costs for families, businesses and the government, ensures that Americans cannot be denied coverage or become bankrupt because they get sick, protects and expands people’s choices of doctors and health plans, creates competition and accountability to keep insurance companies honest, and provides access to affordable health care for all.

“Tonight the President left no doubts that meaningful health insurance reform will be transformative for our families, our economy and our country. The time for Congress to act is now.”