
Nominations to NLRB Deserve Swift Up-or-Down Vote, says Rep. Miller


WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement on President Obama’s nominations to the National Labor Relations Board.

“President Obama has announced a full slate of nominees from both sides of the aisle to the National Labor Relations Board. This agency is critical to workers, employers and the economy as a whole. Yet, over the last four years, it has been subject to all manner of obstruction and attacks. 

“The next attack comes later this week when House Republicans are expected to bring a bill to the House floor to shut down the NLRB because two of its current members are recess-appointed. Those recess appointments were necessitated by ongoing Senate obstruction. House Republicans can’t have it both ways.  If recess appointments are their real concern, rather than shutting down the agency, they should urge their Senate colleagues to give this full slate of nominees swift consideration and allow an up-or-down vote.”

More information on H.R. 1120, a House Republican bill that would destabilize employer-employee relations by stopping elections, halting labor law enforcement, and promoting strikes.