
Miller Statement on Today’s Senate Student Loan Vote

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), released the following statement today as the Senate attempted to move legislation that would reverse the July 1 doubling of interest rates on student loans.

“I applaud Senators Reid and Harkin for standing up again today for the 7.2 million students who saw their interest rates double last week. Last month, a majority of the Senate voted in support of a responsible solution that puts students first, only to have it blocked by a Republican minority.  Unfortunately, the same minority also blocked today’s attempt at moving debt relief for students.

“Congress has an obligation to keep interest rates low now so that students can afford a college degree.  Democrats simply cannot support a solution that piles mountains of more debt onto students or fails to cap potentially high interest rates in the future.  Students deserve better.  With families making financial decisions now for this coming fall semester, time is short to break the gridlock with a solution that reverses the rate hike without harming students and their families.”