
Miller Statement on NLRB Recess Appointments

WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement after President Obama announced three recess appointments today to the National Labor Relations Board. Currently, the NLRB has only two members and cannot legally render decisions. Only the NLRB can enforce workers’ and employers’ rights under the National Labor Relations Act.  

“Taxpayers deserve a fully functioning government. The National Labor Relations Board is essential to protecting working families’ economic security, and helping ensure that workplaces are productive, fair, and safe. President Obama’s recess appointments will guarantee that both employers and employees will have a place to go to have their rights under the law protected and enforced.”

House Republicans pushed through special-interest legislation recently designed to dramatically weaken workers’ right to a free and fair union representation election. It was just the latest attack by Republicans and special interest groups against workers’ rights and the agency that enforces those rights since the beginning of the year. Republicans have tried to defund the agency, passed legislation to take away any effective sanctions the NLRB can use to enforce laws protecting workers from retaliation, and interfered with ongoing enforcement actions