
Miller Statement on Equity and Excellence Commission Report


WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement today on the Equity and Excellence Commission’s “For Each and Every Child: A Strategy for Education Equity and Excellence” report. The commission’s report released a set of recommendations for states and federal policymakers to make in order to address disparities the nation’s education system.

“The commission’s report underscores the critical importance of the federal government’s role in ensuring equity in education.  It reminds us that equity is not just a moral imperative but an economic one.  Our nation’s long-term success depends on every child having an opportunity to excel regardless of their background or the zip code where they may live.  Among other things, the federal government can ensure that when states, districts and schools have to make hard decisions, those decisions are not made on the backs of children.  It can foster and spread best practices and programs, like those in early childhood education, that are vital to overcoming the steep hill so many children must climb to escape poverty. I thank the Equity and Excellence Commission for their hard work in putting together a wide-ranging report that challenges the status quo so all children are able to get the skills they need to succeed and have a shot at the American Dream.”