
Miller Statement on Department of Education’s New Civil Rights Data

WASHINGTON—Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement upon the release of the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection for the 2011-12 school year. It is the first comprehensive look at civil rights data from every public school around the country in nearly 15 years.

“This new data shows how far we still have to go to give all kids an equal shot at a good education. By tracking vital issues like the impact of school discipline policies, and whether students can access both great teachers and courses that prepare them for college and a career, we are better prepared to take appropriate action to ensure and protect equality. It’s especially important to see new pre-K information as part of this data collection, since early education makes such a difference in children’s future success. Pre-K must be part of conversations and efforts on equity in education.”