
Miller Statement on Council on Foreign Relations Report


Washington, DC – Today, Rep. George Miller (D-CA) issued the following statement on the Council on Foreign Relations’ “U.S. Education Reform and National Security” report.  The report found that failures in America’s education system pose five national security threats, including to economic growth and competitiveness, to U.S. physical safety, to intellectual property, to U.S. global awareness and to U.S. unity and cohesion.

“Yesterday we received a report warning of grave consequences from the Council on Foreign Relations that recognized education as a matter of great importance to national defense, economic competitiveness, and the health of our democracy. The clock is ticking against us as we see other nations rising and emphasizing education in order to put their future workforces on solid footing. We need to be fostering and honing our talent as well.

“The real question is whether or not we're going to provide an opportunity for a brighter future for our students and for our nation and its economy. As we work to reauthorize federal education law, we must continue to set high standards, provide guardrails, and support some of our most vulnerable students. Hammering out a consensus and getting education reform right are not easy tasks, but they are entirely doable.  Democrats and Republicans working together is the only way forward for our nation’s children, our economy and our national competiveness.”