
Miller Statement on Anniversary of Historic Education and Health Care Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), senior Democrat on the Education and the Workforce Committee and the lead author of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA), which was enacted into law one year ago today, released the following statement commemorating the anniversary of the law.

“A year ago today, President Obama enacted a law that changed the future for all Americans. We decided that health care should be a right, not a privilege. We also decided that our student loan program should work in the best interest of our students and not big banks.

“We took common sense steps forward to fix our student loan system in a fiscally responsible way. We took out the middleman and outrageous fees that were going to big banks and used those savings to protect taxpayers, to invest in students and to help America’s families. We raised the Pell Grant to the highest level in history and index it so the total amount rises with increases in the cost of living. We invested in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. We made college loans more affordable and we helped pay down the deficit.

“The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act came at a time when students and families were already struggling to meet the rising cost of education.

“Today, we celebrate a momentous anniversary of a historic day. But unfortunately, there are realities that still exist. The Republicans want to cut the maximum Pell Grant away by 15 percent, or nearly $1,000.

“If the Republicans have their way, it will be much more difficult for students to pay for college. In the Republican spending bill, they want to cut $845 from the maximum award.

“It’s a reminder that despite the strides the Democratic Congress was able to accomplish on behalf of America’s working families and students, we still have to fight to protect students and taxpayers from the harmful cut Republicans would like to make to their future.”

To learn more about the investments made in SAFRA, click here.