
Miller Statement on Administration Estimates on Education Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee and a chief architect of the education investments included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, issued the following statement after the White House released preliminary estimates yesterday showing that recovery funding has already created or saved at least 250,000 education jobs across the country.

“While this was just the first step in our greater efforts to spur job growth and get our economy on the road to recovery, this early data shows exciting signs that our education investments are working to save and create jobs and ensure that the quality of education our students receive isn’t compromised in this economy. Whether it’s 30 teaching jobs saved in Macon, Georgia, 60 layoffs prevented in Akron, Ohio, or 1,100 jobs saved in Las Vegas, it is clear President Obama’s recovery plan is helping our economy avert disaster and keeping educators in our schools when our children need them the most.”

To view the preliminary estimates released yesterday, click here.
