
Miller Statement on 10th Anniversary of National Healthy Schools Day


Washington, DC – Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, today released the following statement on the 10th anniversary of National Healthy Schools Day.  National Healthy Schools Day is an important day to promote and celebrate healthy school environments that are conducive to learning and protect student and staff health.

“When our children leave home each morning, they should arrive at a safe and healthy school.  They should not be exposed to classrooms and other facilities filled with pollutants and in need of modernization and repair.  When students’ health is at risk, so is their ability to learn.  National Healthy Schools Day reminds us that, to provide our students with a world class education, we need to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment.”

Democrats strongly believe the time to fix America’s schools is now and have proposed smart and targeted investments in school modernization and improvements. These investments will create private-sector construction and construction-related jobs. For example, President Obama has called for an investment of $25 billion to help modernize, renovate and repair 35,000 American schools. According to the White House, this effort has the immediate potential to support more than 315,000 jobs for construction workers, engineers, maintenance staff, and electrical workers.

For more information on fixing America’s schools, click here.