
Miller Receives Community Builder Award from National Technology Organization


WASHINGTON – Last night, Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, received the National Coalition for Technology in Education and Training’s (NCTET) 2012 Community Builder Award at the Bytes and Books Inaugural Ball. NCTET honored Rep. Miller for his efforts to bring the promise of technology into classrooms across the nation.

NCTET recognized Rep. Miller for his “many years of effective work nationally to integrate technology into teaching and learning.” Previous NCTET Community Builder Awardees include: the late U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy; film director and Edutopia founder George Lucas; U.S. Senators John D. Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe; and inventor Ray Kurzweil.

“Technology in the classroom can substantially increase student engagement, raise student achievement and graduation rates, and prepare our students for college and the workforce,” said Rep. Miller. “We must do everything we can do to support these types of innovations so that every student in all our classrooms has the opportunity to grow, thrive and achieve their fullest potential.”

Last night’s award builds upon Miller’s long-standing commitment to utilize technology to help solve chronic education challenges. In 2009, as chairman of the committee, Rep. Miller held a series of hearings to examine how technology-based education tools are transforming American education. Witnesses told the committee that investments in technology in the classroom can help give students a 21st century skill set to prepare them for 21st century jobs.

NCTET is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that examines and supports the use of technology to improve education and training in America.