
Miller: New Guidance to Combat Educational Inequality Affirms Access to Quality Teachers a Civil Rights Issue

WASHINGTON—Today the U.S. Department of Education released new guidance to states, school districts, and schools that provides critical civil rights protections for students across the country. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, released the following statement in response to the guidance, which, for the first time, designates teacher effectiveness as a significant factor in the equal distribution of resources:

“Every child, regardless of background, zip code, or family income, has the right to a high-quality education, which includes an effective teacher. If education is to remain the ladder to opportunity and success in this country, we must challenge inequity in the system at every turn. Today’s guidance takes a significant step in that direction by, for the first time, making it clear that access to good teachers is a civil rights issue.

“The Department’s focus on equity furthers the promise of Brown v. Board­, which held that inequality in the field of education violates the very foundations of our nation. Requiring that teacher quality—which is determined in part by student achievement—now be considered alongside access to other educational resources, such as academic programs, school facilities, and technology, is critically important because teachers have the greatest impact on students’ success. Together we must continue fighting for all students to have equal access to excellent teachers, schools, and the ultimate civil right—a quality education.”