
Miller: Final NLRB Rule Will Modernize Union Election Process

WASHINGTON—Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, released the following statement today in support of the National Labor Relation Board’s (NLRB) final rule to update and streamline union election procedures.

“Today, the NLRB took a step to modernize union elections and give workers a much fairer shake when deciding on union representation. The current process is broken and allows for unscrupulous employers to threaten, coerce, and intimidate workers. The NLRB’s final rule will help stem these abuses by curtailing frivolous litigation, reducing delays in scheduling union elections, streamlining the appeals process, and strengthening the NLRB’s hearing procedures. While imbalances remain, the NLRB’s commonsense rule will help promote the fair and timely elections that workers deserve.”