
Miller: Duncan is Smart Choice for Education Secretary

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, today voiced his ardent support for Arne Duncan the next Secretary of Education. He urged the Senate to pursue a quick confirmation.
“Arne Duncan is an incredibly smart choice for Education Secretary. He is the right person, in the right position, at the right time. His leadership and commitment to improving our nation’s schools, along with his experience and proven track record of success as the Chief Executive Officer of the Chicago Public Schools, make him particularly qualified for this important job.

“Arne recognizes the seismic shift happening in education – he knows first-hand that real change requires real leadership. He understands that by taking our education system in a bold new direction, he can help our economy change course. He knows that we need to provide good educational opportunities for all students from their earliest years on. And he rightly believes that the only interest group that matters in education policy are students and families.

“At this time of unprecedented economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to significantly improve our schools and continue our efforts to make college more affordable. Our schools and colleges, from early education through graduate programs, must prepare our next generation to take on 21st century jobs, and drive our discovery, innovation and competitiveness. Addressing the education challenges we face won’t be easy, but I am confident Arne Duncan will delve in and create the world-class education system our economy needs and our nation’s students deserve.”