
Miller: Democrats successful in removing damaging rollbacks in compromise funding bill


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, issued the following statement on legislation to fund the federal government through the rest of the fiscal year.

“This funding bill is not perfect. It is a compromise. But it is important to note that Democrats secured critical and hard-fought changes in the final bill.

“First, Democrats were able to remove nearly 100 repugnant and damaging public policy rollbacks that had nothing to do with funding services but everything to do with pressing the Republicans’ extreme agenda against women, students, workers and the environment. We fought those extremist riders, and nearly every one of them was removed. 

“Second, while the funding levels in this bill do not meet all of the country's needs, of course, they are higher than what House Republicans originally proposed, and they will ensure continued critical services in many areas, such as in education, health care and food safety, to name just a few. To maintain maximum funding levels for college students in financial need, difficult policy choices were made in the Pell Grant program. While they averted even worse cutbacks, the impact of those choices must be monitored carefully over the next year.”