
Miller Calls for Passage of Historic Climate Change Legislation

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. George Miller (D-CA) released the following statement calling on  the House to approve the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, one of President Obama’s top domestic priorities.

“Passage will represent a monumental step forward in our effort to build a vibrant and green economy based on clean energy, less foreign oil, and a reduction in greenhouse gases,” said Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the Education and Labor Committee and one of the co-authors of the energy bill. “Californians have led the nation in breaking our dependence on fossil fuels and have always known that the future belongs to clean energy technology jobs.  It is long past time for us to stop sending our national treasure to pay for foreign oil. This bill gives us the opportunity to follow California’s lead and move America in a new energy direction.
“The provisions in this bill will drive energy costs down for consumers and families in the long run and will create millions of clean energy jobs that cannot be shipped overseas,” Miller added. “And, in a very important step, under our bill American workers will be able to take advantage of opportunities that will help them transition into the new sustainable careers of the future.”
As chairman of the Education and Labor Committee, Miller wrote into the bill significant provisions to ensure workers affected by climate change policy have access to health care coverage, income support, and employment services so they can transition into green economy jobs.

Among other provisions to assist workers in transition, eligible workers impacted by the new energy policy would:

•    Receive income support equal to 70 percent of their income for up to 156 weeks;
•    Receive an 80 percent credit toward their monthly health care premiums;
•    Have access to job training opportunities, including on-the-job training programs, as well as other support services; and
•    Receive job search allowances and relocation assistance, up to $1,500 for each.