
Miller Applauds President Obama’s Action on Behalf of Workers

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Barack Obama today signed a new Executive Order to bolster worker protections in the federal contracting system. The Executive Order requires prospective federal contractors to disclose labor law violations and gives agencies more guidance on how to consider labor violations when awarding federal contracts. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), senior Democratic member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, made the following statement: 
“Today, the President took long overdue steps to ensure more hardworking Americans get the fair pay and safe workplaces they deserve. Working families need to know that when federal contractors are selected, their record with respect to wage theft, discrimination, family and medical leave, and safety and health will determine their fitness to receive public funds. When a business continually puts workers in danger or repeatedly cheats them out of pay, the federal government should not support that company with taxpayer dollars. These are the kinds of protections we must strengthen on behalf of workers. 
“Companies that play by the rules, treat workers with respect and dignity, and operate a safe, discrimination-free workplace will now have a more level playing field when it comes to competing for federal contracts. Unscrupulous companies with the worst labor violations will have to clean up their act, or they’ll lose the opportunity to compete for future business. I applaud President Obama for moving to protect workers and taxpayers, while putting scofflaws in the federal contracting system on notice.”