
Miller Applauds Key Supplemental Provisions for Workers, Teachers and Students

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, tonight issued the following statement on the House passage of H.R. 4899, the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2010. “With tonight’s vote, the House acted on behalf of American workers, teachers and students across the nation who have suffered in the recent economic downturn.

“The bill helps to close a multi-billion dollar shortfall in the Pell Grant program that could have deterred many low-income students from attending college, and allocates $10 billion in emergency spending to save hundreds of thousands of teachers from losing their jobs due to local budget shortfalls. This vote will ensure our teachers remain in the classrooms and our students don’t lose a year of learning.  We will not allow our children’s education to become a casualty of the state of the economy.

“Additionally, tonight’s vote represents a significant victory for America’s workers by providing additional funding for mine safety enforcement cases to help workers safe, and provides our communities’ first responders basic collective bargaining rights so they can keep our communities safe and strong.

“These are responsible, targeted investments that will create and secure jobs, and keep our promise to our nation’s children.

More information on provisions of H.R. 4899:

•    Education Jobs: The 2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act creates a $10 billion Education Jobs fund to provide emergency support to school districts to prevent layoffs and keep 140,000 school employees on the job next year. The Department of Education will administer the fund and distribute the money to states through a formula based on total population and school age population. States will distribute the funds to school districts through their primary funding formula or through the Title I formula. The bill includes strict provisions that requires states to use this funding only to preserve, rehire or hire new employees in elementary and secondary education. The money can’t be used to supplant state education spending.

•    Pell Grants: The 2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act invests $4.95 billion, fully offset, to address the current year shortfall in the Pell Grant Program. In the last academic year, more than 8 million students received Pell grants.

•    Miner Safety and Review Commission Backlog: The 2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act would provide a $22 million down payment to reduce the backlog of mine safety enforcement cases and to ensure that there are sufficient resources for the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration to meet all of its legally mandated mine inspection requirements. In February, the committee found that a flood of mine owner appeals is undermining efforts to protect miners by delaying tougher sanctions. A dangerous mine cannot face tougher penalties or increased scrutiny by MSHA unless citations are fully adjudicated. Because of this backlog of appeals, cases now take several months or years to be resolved.

•    Public Safety Personnel Collective Bargaining: It will guarantee collective bargaining rights for first responders employed by states and localities. States would administer and enforce their own labor laws, while the Federal Labor Relations Authority would only step in where such laws do not exist or do not meet minimum standards. The language prohibits public safety officers from engaging in a lockout, sickout, work slowdown, strike, or any other organized job action that will disrupt the delivery of emergency services.