
Miller Announces New Hires to Ed and Workforce Democratic Committee Staff


WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, today announced two new hires to the Democratic committee staff.

“I welcome these talented individuals to the committee’s Democratic staff as we work on behalf of all Americans to grow and strengthen the middle class,” said Miller.

Miller announced the following hires:

Tiffany Edwards joined the staff today as press secretary, focused on education issues.  Edwards comes to the committee from the Department of Energy where she was a deputy press secretary. Prior to Energy, Edwards worked in the Obama for America press office and the presidential inaugural committee. A native Long Islander, Edwards received a B.A. in government and politics from the University of Maryland.

Kelly Broughan was named as a committee staff assistant last week. A former intern for the committee, Broughan was previously a teacher with Teach for America in Houston for two years. A graduate of U.C. Berkeley with a degree in political science, Broughan was also a case worker for a California state assembly member and a clerk in the immigration review office of the Department of Justice in San Francisco.