
Miller Announces eForum on Jobs

WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, today launched an online forum on portions of President Obama’s American Jobs Act.  The “eForum” invites the American people to submit their stories about how the economic downturn has affected their lives in several areas.

“With 14 million Americans looking for work, time is of the essence. In order to effectively evaluate the President’s job proposal, Congress must gather facts from Americans who have first-hand experience with this economy,” said Miller in a video announcing the e-forum. “We want to understand how the economic downturn has impacted your work and your life.”

On September 9, Miller asked Chairman Kline to schedule hearings on the President’s proposal, including examining those issues that fall in our committee’s jurisdiction including funding for education jobs, school repair and modernization, job training, and reemployment assistance.  However, the committee’s majority has yet to schedule action.

The eForum on jobs will initially run until Monday, October 3, and will be specifically focused on gathering stories from the American people in the areas of education, construction and long-term unemployment. Selected stories will be published on the committee’s website as the eForum progresses.

Additional details on the eForum and details on how to submit testimony can be found at the committee Democrats’ website: /imo/media/doc/eforum