
Miller: Ahead of Open Enrollment Period, It’s Clear ACA is Working

WASHINGTON—Americans will once again be able to shop for health insurance tomorrow when the second annual open enrollment period in the Health Insurance Marketplace begins. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee and co-author of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the law that created the Marketplace, released the following statement:

"The Affordable Care Act is working today—and as we head into year two, it is more apparent than ever that it will keep working for millions of American families. Four years after President Obama signed the ACA into law, more Americans have insurance and many people who already had insurance now have coverage that they can count on.

“Starting tomorrow, consumers can once again shop for coverage through the Marketplace. People who chose a plan last year may find that there is a more affordable option available this year, and both new and returning consumers may be eligible for financial assistance to help cover the cost. Families with questions can get help—online, via phone, or in person—as they select a plan that fits their family’s budget and health needs.

“Over the next few months, we’ll continue to see more American families, businesses, and taxpayers benefit from this landmark health care law.”

The open enrollment period starts tomorrow, November 15, and runs through February 15, 2015. People who want coverage that starts on January 1 must sign up by December 15.

To shop for or renew coverage, as well as to receive help, people can visit www.HealthCare.gov, contact the call center at 1-800-318-2596, or find in-person assistance in their community at localhelp.healthcare.gov.