
Ignoring Jobs Crisis, Ed & Workforce GOP Pushes Through Anti-Worker, Special Interest Legislation



WASHINGTON – House Education and the Workforce Committee Republicans today pushed through legislation (H.R. 3094) designed to deny workers a right to a free and fair election, more aptly named the “Election Prevention Act.”  Committee Republicans also blocked an effort to put construction workers across the country back to work by fixing our nation’s crumbling schools.

“This bill will not provide help to the millions of Americans struggling with stubbornly high unemployment,” said Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the committee. “That’s why it’s so frustrating that this committee is continuing to focus on attacking workers’ fundamental rights instead of on solving the jobs crisis.”

An amendment offered by Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) would provide $25 billion modernize at least 35,000 public K-12 schools, putting hundreds of thousands of workers, including construction workers, back on the job. Republicans voted unanimously to table the amendment.

Miller highlighted three stories representing the more than 700 received from Americans during the committee Democrats’ eForum on jobs. They included workers who have been looking for a job for more than three years and recent college graduates struggling to find full-time work.

“These Americans aren’t asking for anything but a chance to put on a suit and tie, or their work boots, and earn a paycheck,” said Miller. “This is hardly a radical agenda.”

H.R. 3094 would delay and ultimately prevent union representation elections, thereby denying workers the opportunity for a voice at work by mandating undue delay in union elections, encouraging frivolous litigation, and manipulating the procedure for deciding who is in a bargaining unit. 

View selected video and amendments.