
House GOP – Not a Failure to Communicate, A Failure to do the Right Thing for the American People

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), issued the following statement after House Republicans reportedly delayed consideration of their own bill that would have eliminated this year’s federal guarantee for extended unemployment benefits after a revolt within their caucus. A House GOP leader called it an “education” problem, saying that their members didn’t understand the bill that would threaten unemployment insurance benefits for 4.1 million out-of-work Americans.

"Jeopardizing the unemployment insurance benefits for millions of Americans apparently went too far even for some House Republicans who are already feeling the heat from their vote to end Medicare. Speaker Boehner might think it is simply a matter of finding the right message or communications strategy but that is not what is causing their problem. Their problem is failing to do what is right: Creating good jobs in this country and building a foundation for America’s competitiveness.

“Ending Medicare, cutting nursing home care, attacking Social Security, and now trying to take away unemployment benefits, while not creating a single job but giving tax cuts to the rich and to oil companies – I can see why that would be hard to communicate to the American people desperate for solutions.

“Middle class families are trying to recover from a recession that wiped out their economic security and the Republicans' answer is to attack the only support system left -- Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment benefits and access to health care.  

“Republicans don’t need to change their message; they need to change their policies. The more Republican plans are exposed to the light of day, the more middle class Americans get wise to the cliff the Republicans are trying to drive them over.”