
House Education Leaders Applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for Expanding Summer Meal Programs to Children

WASHINGTON – House education leaders applauded the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Vilsack for the Biden-Harris Administration’s proposed rule on implementation of the new Summer-EBT program, including a streamlined certification process to ease burden for both states and families. 

The letter was sent by House Committee on Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) and Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee Ranking Member Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01).

“I greatly appreciate the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA or the Department) efforts and celebrate this important step in fighting summer hunger. In order to implement the law, the rule would require states to operate the Summer-EBT program using a streamlined certification process, which allows for the automatic issuance of benefits to certain eligible children. Most children eligible for Summer-EBT benefits will receive benefits through this streamlined certification process and therefore will not have to fill out a Summer-EBT application,” the Members wrote.

The Members lauded the interim proposed rule while offering suggestions on how to further ensure benefits are available to as many children as possible.

“I appreciate that the Department has welcomed feedback on the interim final rule, specifically on the additional approaches to defining the age range for children who can be streamlined certified using state or ITO level data without requiring a match with school records,” said the Members. “While I recognize the challenges of deploying any new program for the Department, states, and schools, I urge the Department to consider all available options to support the smooth implementation of this important program and maximize participation while ensuring program integrity.”

The letter follows the committee’s release of a new report on summer feeding programs, including Summer EBT. This report detailed how summer feeding programs reduce food insecurity for schoolchildren by up to one-fifth, improve nutritional outcomes, and provide support to children that are disproportionately affected by summer learning loss, also known as “summer slide.” 

To read the full text of the letter, click here.


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