
House Chairs Seek Documents from Trump Administration on Sudden Decision to Stop Defending Health Care Law

WASHINGTON —Five House Committee Chairs sent letters to the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the White House requesting documents and information regarding the involvement of White House officials in the Administration’s troubling decision to not defend the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The letters were signed by Committee on Education and Labor Chairman Bobby Scott, Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman Elijah E. Cummings, Committee on Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr., Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Richard E. Neal and Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler. 

The chairs wrote in their letter to HHS and the White House:

“If the Administration’s new legal position prevails and the entire ACA is struck down, there would be catastrophic implications for millions of American consumers and the United States health care system.” 

The chairs wrote in their letter to DOJ:

“This refusal appears to be violating longstanding policies to defend and enforce Acts of Congress; will have a significant negative impact on the accessibility of healthcare for Americans; and appears to be driven by political considerations rather than considered legal arguments.  The Department owes Congress and the public an explanation as to why it refuses to enforce the law and we request that you provide previously requested information to us and make certain individuals available for questioning.” 

Click here to read the letter to the White House.  

Click here to read the letter to HHS.

Click here to read the letter to DOJ.


Press Contact

Stephanie Lalle (Education & Labor) (202) 226-0853

Aryele Bradford (Oversight and Reform) (202) 226-5181

CJ Young (Energy and Commerce) (202) 225-5735