
House Approves Critical Investments for Students and Mine Safety

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives approved a spending measure today to ensure that Pell Grants are available to students, and to hold mine operators accountable for violating health and safety protections.
“In light of Republicans voting to block mine safety reform today, these are important investments needed to improve mine safety. Among other efforts, this increased funding will help to make a meaningful dent in the crippling backlog of 19,000 mine owner appeals of health and safety violations,” said U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee. 
“This spending measure will also shore up the Pell Grant scholarship and ensure its availability to the millions of students and families who rely on this program to make a college degree a reality,” said Miller. “For millions of students, the Pell Grant scholarship is the pathway to prosperity. It’s a critical investment in our students and the future of this country that this Democratic Congress has proudly supported time and time again.
“I thank Chairman Obey and members of the Appropriations Committee for their service and their tireless efforts on behalf of our nation’s workers and students.”
  • An increase of $5.3 million for the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, which will enable the agency to hire an additional ten administrative law judges to hear cases. The backlog of cases at the Review Commission – now approximately 19,000, has given incentives for mine operators to abuse this appeals process because it can delay steeper penalties for repeat violators and evade pattern of violations sanctions. 
  • An additional $24 million for the Mine Safety and Health Administration, $15 million to support backlog reduction. 
  • Maintains the discretionary portion of the maximum Pell Grant award at $4,860 which, combined with a mandatory supplement of $690, will support a $5,550 maximum Pell Grant in fiscal year 2011, the same as the 2010 level.