
Education and Labor Committee 2019 Accomplishments

Committee Democrats are working to expand access to the building blocks of a strong middle class - a quality education, a rewarding job, and affordable health care.

By the Numbers

60 Hearings and markups

16 Bills passed out of Committee

9 Bills passed by the House

Bills Passed out of the House 

Paycheck Fairness Act

Addresses pay inequity by holding companies accountable for gender-based wage disparities, strengthening the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and protecting the rights of workers to challenge systemic pay discrimination.

Raise the Wage Act

Gradually increases the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2025, giving up to 33 million workers a raise and lifting at least 1.3 million Americans out of poverty.

Butch Lewis Act

Prevents the imminent collapse of the multiemployer pension system while protecting retirees’ benefits and saving taxpayers billions of dollars.

Undo the “Short-Term, Limited Duration Insurance” Rule

Protects consumers from junk health plans by undoing the Trump administration’s “Short-Term, Limited Duration Insurance” rule.


Preserves $255 million for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority-Serving Institutions.

Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)

Strengthens federal tools to address the rising rates of child abuse and neglect. 

Dignity in Aging Act

Reauthorizes the Older Americans Act (OAA) and helps older Americans live independently and with dignity.

H.R. 3, Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act

Reduces out-of-pocket costs for consumers, lowers drug prices, and increases transparency.

Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act

Provides health and social service workers the workplace protections they deserve.

Bills Advanced out of Committee

Rebuild America's Schools Act

Invests $100 billion to repair the physical and digital infrastructure in America’s public schools, creating 1.9 million jobs.

Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act

Restores the right of students and parents to hold school districts and states accountable for discriminatory education policies.

Strength in Diversity Act

Supports districts in developing, implementing, or expanding voluntary initiatives to increase school diversity.

Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act

Restores workplace protections for older workers. 

School Shooting Safety and Preparedness Act

Creates a federal definition for mass shootings and school shootings and collects data to help prevent them.

Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act

Protects workers' right to organize and bargain for higher pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.

College Affordability Act

Comprehensive overhaul of higher education that will mean students can spend less and earn more