
Democrats Emphasize the Need for Robust Funding of Health and Human Services Programs

WASHINGTON — Today the Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing entitled, “Reviewing the Policies and Priorities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.” Committee Democrats focused on efforts to expand health care coverage, improve education, and enhance economic security for American families. 
“Budgeting requires tough choices and a responsible budget should be a reflection of priorities,” said Ranking Member Bobby Scott (D-VA). "I am pleased that the President’s budget request is reflective of the priorities that are important to the success of families and communities across the country – protecting access to health insurance for all Americans, giving all children a chance to succeed, and reducing inequality in this country. It is past time for Congress to raise the funding caps imposed by the sequester that are stunting the progress of this nation in important areas, such as health and education. The sequester has led not only to woefully inadequate investments in critical national needs, but has also put us on a path to another government shutdown. Our focus should remain on restoring investments that strengthen our nation’s middle class and help hardworking families get ahead.” 
The Honorable Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), testified before the Committee to discuss health care, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and children and family programs in HHS.
“The President’s FY2016 Budget request for HHS makes the investments critical for today while laying the foundation for a stronger economy for the middle class,” said Secretary Burwell. “The Budget builds on savings and reforms in the ACA with additional measures to strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, and to continue the historic slow-down in health care cost growth. The ACA is making quality, affordable health coverage available to millions of Americans who would otherwise be uninsured. The President’s FY 2016 Budget request builds on progress made to date by focusing on access, affordability, and quality – goals that we share with Congress and hope to work on together, in partnership, moving forward. As part of the President’s plan to bolster and expand the middle class, the Budget includes a number of proposals that help working Americans meet the needs of their families – including young children and aging parents.”
Today’s hearing highlighted the successes of the Affordable Care Act in increasing access, slowing down health care spending, and improving care, while emphasizing that the President’s Budget provides for robust ACA implementation that will keep the country on the right track. It also focused on the need to give all children a chance to succeed by ensuring federal funding to increase both access to - and the quality of - early learning and childcare programs.  Democrats and the President stand ready to invest in programs that support working families, educate our children, and keep Americans healthy.
The written testimony of the Honorable Sylvia Mathews Burwell can be found here.