
Democratic Leaders Unveil ‘Jobs for Main Street’ Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  House Democrats unveiled legislation Tuesday to create additional jobs for construction workers, teachers, police officers, firefighters and others, and to extend critical assistance for the unemployed and people who have lost health insurance, the most recent step in Congress’ year-long efforts to rescue the economy and stem the crippling impacts of the worst recession in generations. “Nothing is more important than the need to put Americans back to work. This legislation will do just that by redirecting funds initially used to help Wall Street to help Main Street, while strengthening the health and safety of our communities and continuing to educate our children for the future,” said U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), a lead author of the new bill. “I hope the Senate joins us in acting quickly to create jobs for Main Street and help rebuild a strong U.S. economy.”

Miller, who chairs the Education and Labor Committee and the Democratic Policy Committee, joined Speaker Pelosi and other House Democratic leaders to unveil the new bill, the Jobs for Main Street Act. The legislation uses existing available funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to pay for targeted investments in infrastructure and emergency aid to state and local governments to hire teachers, police officers and other vital personnel.

In addition, the legislation also provides critical safety net funds to extend COBRA premium assistance for people who have lost their health insurance as a result of job loss, as well as unemployment benefits and provide other aid for Americans looking for work.  It also gives assistance to states to pay for Medicaid and for extending the child tax credit.  The House will vote on the initiative Wednesday.

“These measures speak to the urgent needs of Americans across the country – the millions of families directly coping with a lost job, lost health care, or struggling to put food on the table,” Miller continued. “While we have a few positive indicators that our economy is making progress and we are stemming the tide of job losses, we are far from out of the woods. Job creation is the lynchpin in restoring our nation’s economy and fiscal health. To keep our economy on the path to recovery, we must take decisive action, right now, to continue saving and creating jobs and provide emergency relief to millions of families.”
Tomorrow the House also expects to vote on the 2010 Defense Appropriations bill, which will include a separate two-month extension of COBRA premium benefits and unemployment insurance.

For more information on the Jobs for Main Street Act, click here.