
Congressional Leaders to Chairman Camp: Proposed Fast Track Is DOA in This Congress

WASHINGTON, DC--Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and George Miller (D-CA) released the following statement today responding to Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp’s speech at the Global Business Dialogue. In his speech, Chairman Camp called for congressional approval of outdated “Fast Track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), on which the three representatives have led the opposition.

“The Fast Track mechanism at the core of Chairman Camp’s TPA legislation is the same outdated plan that failed Americans from 2002 to 2007. Voters did not send us to Congress to ship their jobs overseas, but that would be the result if we approved this rubber-stamp legislation and allowed the administration to muscle a flawed Trans-Pacific Partnership deal through. The last TPA expired seven years ago this month, and we should leave it in the past. We should support American workers by investing in education and infrastructure, not repeating a policy that would destroy jobs and hollow out the middle class.”