
Committee Learns Republican Healthcare Proposals Would Harm Working Families

WASHINGTON – Today, the Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing on H.R. 1101, the Small Business Health Fairness Act, and discussion drafts for the Self-Insurance Protection Act and the Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. These three proposals would weaken insurance protections for consumers and shift costs onto workers. The hearing also served as a distraction from the fact that Congressional Republicans still have no plan to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

While the title insinuates that the goal of these proposals is to reduce costs for families, in truth, these bills will lower costs for only a lucky few, while everybody else will pay more,” said Ranking Member Scott. “This hearing is a distraction from a larger debate about the future of America’s health care.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to have a coherent debate on an invisible replacement plan.”

Lydia Mitts, the Associate Director of Affordability Initiatives at Families USA, served as the Democratic witness and highlighted how repeal of the ACA through the various Republican proposals would harm working families.

ACA repeal proposals pose a real threat to the health coverage of workers and their families,” said Mitts. “Policies are being discussed and considered by the House that would repeal the Affordable Care Act, give large tax breaks to the wealthy, and significantly cut back on financial assistance with coverage for lower- and moderate-income families. These policies would have devastating consequences to millions of working individuals who have gained health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. It is critical that we find solutions to improve affordability of coverage, and care for businesses and their workers. However, we need to focus on solutions that do not simply shift health care costs to working families or undermine their access to coverage that fully meets their needs.”

Congressional Republicans and the Trump Administration continue repeal efforts, even as full scale repeal of the ACA becomes increasingly unpopular with the American people each day. Repeal would put the well-being of millions of hardworking Americans at risk, and Committee Democrats will continue to fight against attacks on working families and their health care. 

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