
Committee Democrats Welcome New Communications Director

WASHINGTON – Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, announced today the hiring of Julia Louise Krahe as the Committee Democrats’ new communications director.

“Julia brings a lot of experience to the table and I’m delighted to welcome her to the committee staff,” said Miller. 

“Her professionalism, strategic thinking, and experience on and off the Hill will ensure that critical issues before our committee, such as growing and strengthening the middle class, the economic rights of women, working conditions at home and abroad, and educational opportunity for students, are communicated effectively and receive the public attention they deserve,” Miller added.

Julia has wide-ranging communications experience, in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.  She most recently worked as a senior account supervisor at Edelman, a leading Washington, D.C. public relations firm.  There, she developed communication strategies for federal government clients around issues related to health care and transportation.  Prior to working at Edelman, she advised clients and managed communication campaigns at the firms of Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates and Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide.  And Julia is no stranger to Capitol Hill.  For three years, from 2008 through 2010, she served as communications director for Congressman David Wu of Oregon. 

With assistance from Deputy Press Secretary Brian Levin, Julia will be managing communications for the Committee Democrats on both labor and education matters. 

Julia is originally from western Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Ohio University.  She can be reached via email at Julia.krahe@mail.house.gov and via telephone at 202-226-0853.