
Chairman Scott Statement on Trump Administration’s Final Rules Supporting Taxpayer-Funded Religious Discrimination

WASHINGTON  Today, Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services – along with several other agencies – finalized a sweeping set of rules that would allow broad religious discrimination against employees, beneficiaries, and students in federally funded programs.

“The finalization of eight department rules to undermine the rights of employees and beneficiaries of federally funded programs underscores this administration’s fundamental misunderstanding of ‘religious liberty.’ These final rules are harmful because they could potentially coerce individuals to participate in religious activities in order to receive benefits in some federally funded programs; remove key protections for beneficiaries in every program; and open the door to expansive employment discrimination by religious entities.

“Civil rights laws should protect those who are discriminated against—not those who are engaged in invidious discrimination. It is shameful that during its final weeks in office, the Trump administration prioritized finalizing policies that will negatively impact programs meant to support underserved Americans, such as seniors, victims of human trafficking, and displaced workers instead of helping them survive this ever-worsening pandemic. Today’s announcement is a reflection of this administration’s misplaced priorities and distorted view of religious liberty.”




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