
Chairman Scott Statement on Senate Voting to Reverse DeVos’ Harmful Borrower Defense Rule

WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Senate passed S.J.Res.56, the Senate version of House Democrats’ first use of the Congressional Review Act that reverses the Department of Education’s Borrower Defense rule, which would deny debt relief to students defrauded by predatory colleges.

 "Student borrowers who are defrauded by predatory colleges should have access to timely and meaningful debt relief. But under Secretary DeVos’s rewrite of the Borrower Defense rule, an overwhelming majority of defrauded borrowers would be denied the relief they deserve—leaving them with mountains of debt and a worthless degree.

 “In January, the House passed H.J.Res.76 to take a stand against Secretary DeVos’s failure to provide a fair and streamlined process to provide debt relief to defrauded students. Today, a bipartisan coalition in the Senate agreed that this rule must be repealed.

 “While reversing this harmful proposal is an important first step, ultimately there is only one clear way to stop the Department from weakening consumer protections in higher education: We must pass a comprehensive reauthorization of the Higher Education Act that protects students and taxpayers.

“The College Affordability Act is a comprehensive overhaul of our higher education system that cracks down on low-quality, predatory schools and restores Obama-era protections for students and taxpayers. This administration is failing to provide defrauded students necessary relief, and it’s Congress’ responsibility to stand up for their interests.”


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