
Chairman Scott Statement on June Jobs Report

WASHINGTON – Chairman Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added 224,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate was 3.7 percent.  

“Today’s report is further evidence that the overall strength of the American economy is not trickling down to millions of American workers. Even though working-class and middle-class workers are better educated and more productive than ever, their wages have not kept up with the rising costs of housing, child care, college, and other key pillars of long-term financial security.

 “Notably, despite low unemployment, the labor force participation rate for prime-age workers remains well below its peak nearly two decades ago. It’s time to get American workers off the sidelines by restoring the value of work in our economy. The Raise the Wage Act, which gradually raises the minimum wage to $15 by 2024, would give nearly 40 million workers a raise and encourage more people to join or rejoin the workforce.

“I look forward to bringing the Raise the Wage Act to the House Floor and keeping our promise to raise wages for American workers.”