
Chairman Scott Statement on GOP Appointments to Education and Labor Committee

WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) released the following statement in response to the selection of Republican Members to the House Education and Labor Committee. 

“House Republican leadership is responsible for appointing Republican Members to the Education and Labor Committee who can make a positive contribution to our work. These appointments are supposed to reflect their commitment to serving students, parents, and educators.

“House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who claimed that the killing of 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax.

“House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who claimed that the killing of 14 students and three teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was staged.

 “House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who chased and berated a 17-year-old survivor of a mass school shooting, and then celebrated this behavior by posting it on social media. 

“House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who has publicly endorsed violence against elected officials.

“House Republicans made this appointment and Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy must explain how someone with this background represents the Republican party on education issues. He is sending a clear message to students, parents, and educators about the views of the Republican party.”