
Chairman Scott Statement on Closing of Dream Center-Owned College Chain

WASHINGTON – Chairman Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued a statement following the announcement that 22 Dream Center-owned colleges will close tomorrow.

“The closure of Dream Center-owned college chains, including Argosy University, will have terrible, life-altering consequences for thousands of students on 22 campuses across the country. Many students are now left with burdensome debt and few options to finish their degree. Students should never be put in this situation.

“The Department of Education has been derelict in its responsibility to protect students from the impact of this collapse. The Department could have rejected the deal that sold Argosy to Dream Center. The Department could have rejected Argosy’s conversion from a for-profit to non-profit organization. The Department could have put a stop to deceptive marketing that allowed these schools to continue enrolling students since 2017, despite severe financial distress. And, at a minimum, the Department could have notified students – at any point during the past year and a half – of the schools’ high-risk situation.

“Any one of these actions would have greatly reduced the number of students and families affected by today’s announcement.

“The Department has one more opportunity to fulfill its duty to protect students. It must discharge the loans of every student who suffered financial harm because they were misled by Argosy. I am calling on the Department to use its authority to make these students whole and give them a second chance at the education they deserve.”


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