
Chairman Scott Responds to Republican Request for Hearings on Medicare-For-All

"I welcome the Ranking Member and my Republican colleagues to the conversation Democrats have been having about expanding access to care."

WASHINGTON – Chairman Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after Committee Republicans requested that the Committee on Education and Labor hold a hearing on H.R. 1384.

“I welcome the Ranking Member and my Republican colleagues to the conversation Democrats have been having about expanding access to care. The Committee is currently focused on undoing the sabotage of the Affordable Care Act orchestrated by the administration and Congressional Republicans. In fact, the most recent Republican health care proposal would have resulted in 23 million fewer Americans having coverage, a 20 percent increase in health care costs in the first year, and patients with preexisting conditions losing the guarantee of affordable coverage.

“If my Republican colleagues have a new proposal that reduces cost, increases quality, increases the number of people insured, and protects patients with preexisting conditions, the Committee would be happy to consider it.”