
Chairman Scott Remarks on Bill to Avert Looming Child Care Crisis

The Child Care is Essential Act invests $50 billion to help child care providers reopen and reduce costs for families

WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03), delivered the following remarks on the House floor on the Child Care is Essential Act, a proposal that would invest $50 billion in helping child care providers reopen and reducing the cost of child care for working families. 

“Thank you, Madam Speaker, and thank you to my colleague and friend, Congresswoman DeLauro, for her work in support of children, families, and child care providers.  I rise today in support of the Child Care is Essential Act

“Access to affordable child care is critical for supporting working families and helping our economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Without child care, parents cannot return to work, business cannot reopen, and young children cannot access invaluable early learning opportunities. 

“At this moment, our child care industry stands on the brink of collapse.  Child care providers already struggled financially before the pandemic.  Now, dramatically lower revenue and increased operating costs are pushing providers toward permanent closures.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has already cost the jobs of roughly 1 in 4 child care workers, and researchers estimate that we could permanently lose up to 4.5 million child care slots. 

“The pandemic has already impacted the lives of parents, 13 percent of whom have had to lower their work hours or quit their jobs entirely due to difficulties with child care. 

“Our constituents are calling on us to take action.   A recent survey found that more than 8 in 10 voters across the political spectrum favor a substantial federal investment in child care.

“We must save the child care system, which is critical for working families, our economy, and the healthy development of our nation’s children.

“We can do that by voting in favor of this bill.”


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