
Chairman Scott, Ranking Member Foxx Announce Five Bipartisan Hearings on Higher Education

Joint announcement marks formal launch of effort to reauthorize the Higher Education Act in 116th Congress

WASHINGTON – Today, Chairman Bobby Scott (VA-03) and Ranking Member Virginia Foxx (NC-05) announced plans to hold five bipartisan hearings on higher education, marking the formal start of an effort the reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA) in the 116th Congress. The joint announcement reflects the Committee’s shared intention to host a thoughtful and open exchange of ideas for improving America’s higher education system. 

The five hearings will be:

  1. The Cost of College: Student Centered Reforms to Bring Higher Education Within Reach
  2. Strengthening Accountability in Higher Education to Better Serve Students and Taxpayers
  3. The Cost of Non-Completion: Improving Student Outcomes in Higher Education
  4. Engines of Economic Mobility: The Critical Role of Community Colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Minority-Serving Institutions in Preparing Students for Success
  5. Innovation to Improve Equity: Exploring High-Quality Pathways to a College Degree

“Through regular order and a collaborative process, the Committee will consider a comprehensive Higher Education Act reauthorization that puts a quality and affordable higher education within reach for every student,” said Chairman Scott. “Today’s announcement reflects our commitment to developing bold solutions that are supported by evidence and research on higher education. I look forward to working with Dr. Foxx and all Members of the Committee to produce legislation that addresses the complex and wide-ranging challenges facing students, families, and institutions.”

“The promise of postsecondary education is broken—of this, we are certain,” said Ranking Member Foxx. “Over the past many years on this committee, Chairman Scott and I have listened and grown increasingly concerned with the path of higher education in this country.  I am heartened by his eagerness to address these serious issues early in this Congress, and renew my commitment, once again, to working with him and any of our colleagues who understand that the status quo cannot hold.”

Chairman Scott and Ranking Member Foxx are also inviting members of the public to submit research and evidence to be considered during the Committee’s work, as well as experts who could serve as potential witnesses. All submissions should be sent to EdLaborHigherEd@mail.house.gov