
Chairman Scott Praises President-Elect Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Rescue Proposal

WASHINGTON  Committee on Education and Labor Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) released the following statement after the incoming Biden administration released its proposal for a COVID-19 relief package, the American Rescue Plan.

“President-elect Joe Biden’s COVID-19 rescue package is a clear sign that the incoming administration understands the urgent need to crush the virus, safely reopen schools, and provide immediate relief to workers and the American people. 

“In response to the loss of lives and livelihoods to COVID-19, this proposal provides the resources our communities need to accelerate the distribution of vaccines and expand capacity for testing and tracing, which are the most urgent steps we must take to end the pandemic. 

“The Biden proposal also provides a path to safely bring students back into the classroom to begin addressing learning loss by making the investments required to protect the health and well-being of students, educators, and their families. In addition, it also saves the child care system from the brink of collapse by helping to keep child care providers open and reducing costs for families. 

“In response to new data showing the tepid economic recovery has reversed—with 140,000 jobs lost in December and nearly 1 million unemployment insurance claims just last week—the Biden proposal provides a new round of stimulus checks, preserves access to unemployment benefits, and calls for a long overdue increase to the federal minimum wage. Importantly, it extends and expands the emergency paid leave program to protect workers infected with COVID-19 from being forced to show up to work.

“On January 20, we will finally have an Administration that is committed to crushing this virus and helping Americans recover from this pandemic. This proposal echoes House Democrats’ continued dedication to providing meaningful relief to communities across the country, and I look forward to working with the Biden Administration to support students, educators, workers, and the American people.”




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